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How to Set Up SmartDNS Using GitHub

How to Set Up SmartDNS Using GitHub

In today’s interconnected world, having seamless and unrestricted access to online content is essential. One efficient way to achieve this is by setting up SmartDNS, a technology that allows users to bypass geo-restrictions without compromising on speed. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up SmartDNS using GitHub, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of SmartDNS, its benefits, and step-by-step instructions to get started.

Understanding SmartDNS and Its Benefits

Before diving into the setup process, it’s crucial to understand what SmartDNS is and why it might be the right solution for you. SmartDNS is a service that reroutes certain parts of your internet connection through a proxy server, enabling you to access region-blocked content from anywhere in the world. Unlike VPNs, SmartDNS does not encrypt your entire internet traffic, which allows for faster streaming and browsing speeds.

SmartDNS offers several advantages, such as improved speed over VPNs, ease of configuration, and compatibility with various devices and streaming services. This makes it an excellent choice for users looking to access content from different geographic locations without experiencing significant speed reductions.

If you’re considering implementing SmartDNS through GitHub, this guide is tailored to help you understand the key differences between SmartDNS and VPNs, and provides a detailed walkthrough of the setup process. Let’s get started on how you can optimize your internet experience using SmartDNS with GitHub.

Understanding SmartDNS and Its Benefits

What is SmartDNS?

SmartDNS is a technology used to reroute specific types of internet traffic through a proxy server. Unlike a traditional VPN (Virtual Private Network), which routes all your internet traffic through a secure tunnel, SmartDNS specifically targets and redirects DNS (Domain Name System) requests. This essentially allows users to access region-restricted content by appearing as though they are browsing from a different location. For a more comprehensive understanding, let’s dive into the key aspects and benefits of utilizing SmartDNS.

Advantages of Using SmartDNS

When it comes to internet usage and online streaming, SmartDNS presents several notable advantages:

  • Speed and Performance: Since SmartDNS only reroutes DNS queries rather than all traffic, it typically results in faster speeds and lower latency compared to traditional VPN services. This is particularly beneficial for streaming high-definition content where buffering can be a significant issue.
  • Ease of Use: Setting up SmartDNS often requires minimal configuration changes, making it easier for users who are not tech-savvy. Additionally, it is compatible with a variety of devices, including TVs, gaming consoles, and smartphones.
  • Accessibility: One of the primary reasons users opt for SmartDNS is to bypass geographic content restrictions. Whether you want to access a streaming service that is unavailable in your region or visit websites that are blocked locally, SmartDNS can help you do that seamlessly.

These benefits make SmartDNS a powerful tool for users looking to optimize their internet experience without the potential slowdowns associated with a VPN.

SmartDNS vs. VPN: Key Differences

While both SmartDNS and VPNs aim to provide better internet accessibility and privacy, they operate differently and are suited for specific needs. Understanding the key differences can help you decide which option is best for your situation:

  • Encryption: VPNs offer encryption to secure all your internet traffic, which is especially useful for protecting sensitive data from prying eyes. SmartDNS, on the other hand, does not provide encryption but focuses on speeding up your connection and avoiding region locks.
  • Speed: Since VPNs route all your data through a secure server, they can sometimes slow down your internet connection. In contrast, SmartDNS offers faster speeds by only rerouting DNS queries, making it better suited for streaming and gaming.
  • Privacy: If your main concern is privacy and security, a VPN is the better option as it hides your real IP address and encrypts all your traffic. However, if you primarily need to bypass geo-blocks, SmartDNS is a simpler and faster solution.
  • Configuration: VPNs can be more complex to set up and require dedicated apps or software. SmartDNS settings can be easily configured on most devices without the need for additional software.

Ultimately, the choice between SmartDNS and VPN depends on your specific needs. If speed and ease of access to restricted content are your primary concerns, SmartDNS is an excellent choice. If security and privacy are more important, a VPN would be more suitable.

A screenshot-like image of a computer screen showing the GitHub platform. The screen displays the SmartDNS repository with a focus on the

Getting Started with SmartDNS on GitHub

Prerequisites and Requirements

Before diving into the setup of SmartDNS using GitHub, it’s crucial to ensure that you have all the necessary prerequisites and requirements in place. First and foremost, you need a GitHub account. If you don’t have one yet, you can sign up for free on the GitHub website. Additionally, you’ll need a basic understanding of command-line interface (CLI) operations, as well as administrative access to your local machine or server where you plan to install SmartDNS.

Other essential prerequisites include having Git installed on your system. If Git is not yet installed, follow the appropriate installation guide for your operating system. Additionally, ensure that you have internet access to clone repositories and download necessary files. If you’re setting up SmartDNS for a network, you might also need router access or admin permissions on your network settings.

Accessing and Cloning the SmartDNS GitHub Repository

Once you have all prerequisites in place, the next step is to access the SmartDNS GitHub repository. The repository contains all the scripts, configuration files, and documentation you need to set up and run SmartDNS. Here’s how you can access and clone the repository:

  1. Navigate to the official SmartDNS GitHub repository by going to https://github.com/USERNAME/smartdns-repo.
  2. Once you’re on the repository page, locate the green Code button. Click it to reveal the cloning options.
  3. If you prefer using HTTPS, copy the URL that appears (it should look something like https://github.com/USERNAME/smartdns-repo.git). If you prefer SSH, make sure your SSH keys are set up and copy the SSH URL (it will look like git@github.com:USERNAME/smartdns-repo.git).
  4. Open your command-line interface and navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository. Run the following command:
git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/smartdns-repo.git

Replace https://github.com/USERNAME/smartdns-repo.git with the actual URL you copied. This command will create a new directory containing all the files from the SmartDNS GitHub repository.

Configuring Your Environment for SmartDNS

After successfully cloning the SmartDNS repository, the next crucial step is to configure your environment to ensure that SmartDNS operates smoothly. Here’s a detailed walk-through of the necessary configurations:

  1. Install Dependencies: Depending on the version and requirements of SmartDNS, you may need to install additional dependencies. Navigate to the cloned repository directory and look for a README.md or similar documentation file. It will usually contain a list of dependencies and installation instructions. Install the required packages using your platform’s package management system. For example, on a Debian-based system, you might use:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y package-name
  1. Edit Configuration Files: The repository includes various configuration files that dictate how SmartDNS will function in your environment. Open the main configuration file, usually named smartdns.conf or something similar, with your preferred text editor. Customize the settings according to your network specifications and performance requirements. Be sure to save your changes.
  2. Set Up Environment Variables: Some SmartDNS setups require environment variables for optimal operation. Check the documentation for any required environment variables, and set them up using the export command in your CLI or by adding them to your shell profile (e.g., .bashrc or .zshrc).
  1. Run Initial Tests: Before fully deploying SmartDNS, run initial tests to ensure that all configurations are correct. Execute any test scripts included in the repository, or manually start SmartDNS and monitor its behavior for any immediate issues.

By following these steps to configure your environment, you lay the groundwork for a successful SmartDNS setup using GitHub. Proper configuration ensures that SmartDNS integrates seamlessly into your network, providing fast and efficient domain name resolution.

The next section will provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide to fully installing and optimizing SmartDNS for your specific needs. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the installation process and configuration settings that will help you get the most out of your SmartDNS setup.

Create a detailed illustration showing a user setting up SmartDNS using GitHub on their computer. The image should include three distinct sections: the first section displays the user cloning the SmartDNS repository from GitHub; the second section shows the user configuring the SmartDNS settings on their laptop; and the third section depicts the user testing and troubleshooting the SmartDNS setup with a successfully resolved webpage. Include visual elements like the GitHub logo, coding interfaces, and a user-friendly laptop workspace.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up SmartDNS Using GitHub

Detailed Instructions on Installing SmartDNS

In this section, you will learn how to install SmartDNS using GitHub, allowing you to enhance your internet experience with improved speed and access to geo-blocked content. Follow the steps below to ensure a smooth installation process:

  1. Clone the Repository: Start by cloning the SmartDNS GitHub repository to your local machine. Open a terminal window and execute the following command:
    git clone https://github.com/user/smartdns

    This command will download the necessary files from GitHub into a new directory named smartdns.

  2. Navigate to the Directory: Change to the cloned directory using the command:
    cd smartdns

    Ensure you are in the correct directory before proceeding to the next step.

  3. Install Dependencies: SmartDNS might require specific dependencies to function correctly. Use the provided installation script or package manager commands listed in the repository’s README file. For example:
    sudo ./install_dependencies.sh
  4. Compile the Source Code: If applicable, compile the SmartDNS source code by running:

    This step builds the program from the source files, creating an executable file needed for SmartDNS to run.

  5. Install SmartDNS: After successfully compiling the code, install SmartDNS with:
    sudo make install

    This step places the SmartDNS executable and related files into the appropriate directories on your system.

  6. Verify Installation: Confirm that SmartDNS is installed by checking its version:
    smartdns -v

    You should see the installed version number printed in the terminal, indicating a successful installation.

Configuring SmartDNS Settings for Optimal Performance

After installing SmartDNS, the next step is to configure it for optimal performance. Proper configuration enhances your browsing experience and ensures compatibility with different internet services.

  1. Edit Configuration File: Locate the SmartDNS configuration file, typically named smartdns.conf, found in the installation directory or /etc/smartdns/. Open this file in a text editor:
    sudo nano /etc/smartdns/smartdns.conf
  2. Set DNS Server Addresses: Add your preferred DNS server addresses to the configuration file. For example:

    These entries specify the DNS servers SmartDNS will use to resolve domain names.

  3. Enable IPv6 Support: If you use IPv6, ensure that SmartDNS handles both IPv4 and IPv6 requests by including:
    bind [::]:53

    This allows SmartDNS to listen on both IP address families.

  4. Tuning Performance Options: Optimize performance by configuring additional settings such as:
    cache-size 512128
    prefetch-domain yes

    These settings increase cache size and enable prefetching, speeding up DNS query responses.

  5. Save and Exit: After making the necessary changes, save the configuration file and exit the text editor. For Nano, press CTRL+O followed by CTRL+X.
  6. Restart SmartDNS Service: Apply the new configuration by restarting the SmartDNS service:
    sudo systemctl restart smartdns

    This command reloads the SmartDNS service with the latest configuration settings.

Testing and Troubleshooting SmartDNS Setup

After setting up and configuring SmartDNS, testing and troubleshooting the setup is crucial to ensure it functions as expected. The steps below help you evaluate the performance and fix any potential issues:

  1. Check DNS Resolution: Verify that SmartDNS correctly resolves domain names by using the dig command:
    dig google.com

    The response should show the server IP address specified in your SmartDNS configuration.

  2. Latency Testing: Measure DNS query response time with:
    ping -c 4 google.com

    Low latency indicates optimal performance.

  3. Log File Review: Inspect SmartDNS log files for any errors or warnings:
    sudo tail -f /var/log/smartdns.log

    Reviewing logs helps diagnose configuration or network issues.

  4. Service Status Check: Confirm that the SmartDNS service is running without errors:
    sudo systemctl status smartdns

    The output should show the service status as active (running).

  5. Network Configuration: Ensure that your network’s DNS settings point to your SmartDNS server. Update router or device settings if required to use SmartDNS as the primary DNS server.
  6. Re-Test Configuration Changes: When changes are made to the configuration file, retest the resolution and latency to confirm improvements or identify persistent issues.

By carefully following these installation, configuration, and testing steps, you can successfully set up SmartDNS using GitHub, ensuring a faster and more unrestricted internet experience.


Setting up SmartDNS using GitHub can significantly enhance your internet experience by providing faster and more reliable access to geo-restricted content without the overhead typically associated with VPN services. By following this guide, you have not only learned what SmartDNS is and how it differs from VPN but also the step-by-step process to configure and optimize it using resources available on GitHub.

We began by understanding the basics of SmartDNS, its benefits, and how it stands out compared to traditional VPNs. This foundational knowledge is crucial as it informs your choices and expectations when using SmartDNS. Next, we delved into the specifics of getting started with SmartDNS on GitHub, ensuring that you have all the necessary tools, and showed you how to access and clone the relevant repository.

The detailed steps provided for installing, configuring, and optimizing SmartDNS should empower you to leverage this technology effectively. Testing and troubleshooting tips were also included to help you address any issues that may arise, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free setup process.

With SmartDNS correctly configured and optimized, you can now enjoy a higher quality, unrestricted browsing experience. Whether for streaming, gaming, or simply accessing sites that are otherwise unavailable, SmartDNS offers a lightweight and efficient solution. Remember, as the internet evolves, so do these technologies, and staying updated with the latest versions and improvements available on GitHub is always beneficial.

Thank you for following along this guide. Embrace the power of SmartDNS through GitHub, and enjoy a faster, more open internet.